Interface AxisOptions



axisColor?: Vector4

The color of the primary axis line. Default [0, 0, 0, 1].

axisWidth?: number

The width of the primary axis line in pixels. Default 1.

labelAnchor?: Vector2

The x/y position of the anchor relative to the text quad, on the range [-1, -1] (bottom left) to [1, 1] (top right). When undefined will automatically anchor the text according to the direction of the axis.

labelAngle?: number

The angle at which the text will be rotated around the anchor. Default 0.

labelColor?: Vector4

The color of the tick labels. Default [0, 0, 0, 1].

labelPad?: number

The padding between the ticks and tick labels in pixels. Default 3.

labelSide?: 1 | -1

Which side of the axis the label will be placed on. Default -1.

labelSize?: number

The size in pixels of the label font. Default 12.

minorTickColor?: Vector4

The color of the minor ticks. Default [0, 0, 0, 1].

minorTickLength?: number

The length of the minor ticks in pixels. Default 6.

minorTickOffset?: number

How far the minor ticks are shifted from centered on the primary axis line. Zero is centered, can be negative or positive. Default 0.

minorTickWidth?: number

The width of the minor ticks in pixels. Default 1.

minorTicks?: NumberArray

The position of the minor ticks as a distance from start. Default [] (empty).

tickColor?: Vector4

The color of the ticks. Default [0, 0, 0, 1].

tickLength?: number

The length of the ticks in pixels. Default 12.

tickOffset?: number

How far the ticks are shifted from centered on the primary axis line. Zero is centered, can be negative or positive. Default 0.

tickWidth?: number

The width of the ticks in pixels. Default 1.

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